Sunday, March 30, 2008


We had an awesome photo session at Mayfield Park the other day. Cameron wanted a few good shot to give to her family for her college graduation.
Here is a question: What do you get when you mix a cool location+ great light+ a beautiful girl? Well, see for yourself!
Thanks Cameron for looking directly in the sun, sitting on the grass, climbing on walls and overall being totally awesome to work with!

Love the colors! Thanks Cameron for picking such a cool shirt.

We had the best light to work with! James did a fab job with the reflector!


As usual, it seems like I have ended up with another fun image of me taking a photo! My family is a big fan of these shots! Thanks James for snapping this one!


Stacy Cross said...

These pics are really beautiful, Sherry!

Sherry Hammonds said...

Thanks Stacy! You're a sweetheart!

"just because" photo!

"just because" photo!
My cat's little face! She is so cute!